The loan repayment period is set between 2 years as a minimum and 7 years as maximum but with the
flexibility of going up to 10 years in exceptional circumstances
The Bank offers business support services as a way of addressing structural defects in governance and operations of SMEs. The provision of business support services will enhance the SME project’s viability, bankability and performance.
This product is a finance lease and is available to brown filed projects to finance assets that generate cash flows for the business. The tenure of these facilities will be dependent on the life span of the leased assets and its usage in the project.
This product is available to projects that can access finance from other parties and where the Bank has a stake in such a project. This instrument will be used to crowd in capital from other financiers and support a project’s need for short-term facilities.
“The loan repayment period is set between 2 years as a minimum and 7 years as maximum but with the
flexibility of going up to 10 years in exceptional circumstances” Mandala